0010672864暢銷書榜-Power On 4:Lifeskills English with DVD-1片

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/03/25
  • 語言:英文

暢銷書榜-Power On 4:Lifeskills English with DVD-1片0010672864

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  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/03/25
  • 語言:英文


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  Power On: Lifeskills English series is an exciting new video-based course that uses engaging content to encourage students' critical thinking about real life topics. Each book contains twelve units and four review units.

  Key Features
  ‧Useful vocabulary in a variety of real-world contexts.
  ‧Expressions, idioms and phrases used in everyday English.
  ‧A central grammar point for each unit taken from the corresponding.
  ‧Related listening and reading exercises tailored to teaching key grammar, phrases and vocabulary.
  ‧Fun and engaging videos of real-world English conversations.
  ‧Games, activities and projects related to the topics, vocabulary and grammar.

  Each unit contains the following components:
  ‧WARM-UP – These exercises prepare students for the topic of the unit. Key words and situations are introduced to help students start thinking abour the topic.
  ‧VOCABULARY BUILDERS – Vocabulary words are carefully selected from the video and listening exercises and then presented using various activities.
  ‧SHOW TIME – Students complete a range of comprehension activities directly related to each video and its topic.
  ‧GRAMMAR – In each unit an appropriate CEF-Level grammar point is taught.
  ‧CHAT TIME – A real-world conversation with added vocabulary related to the topic is presented.
  ‧READING – A short text introduces students to a thought-provoking topic based on each unit.
  ‧VIEW POINT and DISCUSSION – Short interviews with real people are used as a basis for comprehension questions and interesting discussion topics.

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  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/03/25
  • 語言:英文


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